




  • 4つの基礎スキル
  • プレゼンテーション、弁論のスキル
  • アカデミック英語
  • 英語での研究
  • CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)
  • CBI(Content-Based Instruction)
  • ②人類学
  • 文化、言語、信念
  • アイデンティティ、権力、ディスコース


  • Basic skills
  • Advanced Presentation & Discussion
  • Project English: Culture Studies & Japan
  • Practical Communication
  • Intensive English: Conversation


  • JALT
  • Oxford University Anthropological Society
  • Oxford Alumni Club
  • ESBB


  • スキー・スノーボード
  • 水泳
  • 料理
  • 読書、ライティング
  • イスラム学
  • 研究


For me, learning is a humbling experience that removes walls and widens my horizons. Once I learn something, I can see how little I knew before and how different I become. I then enjoy wider and more exciting perspectives and approach bigger goals. I believe this is particularly true, especially when learning foreign languages. I can attest to that based on my personal experience: originally from a small traditional town in Central Asia, I’ve been studying and working mostly internationally. Studying and working in various countries not only have I been exploring different cultures, worldviews, and mindsets. Further, and more importantly, different perspectives and experiences have helped me better understand myself and my origins. Why is it important to understand ourselves? To know where we stand and to better construct our understanding of surroundings in order to know how to relate to it. Then our lives become more meaningful and interesting. I believe, Hokudai offers various ways of exposing a bigger and diverse world in and outside classrooms. So, do not miss your chance to join the world without walls at Hokudai.


Until recently, I couldn't understand why some of my students didn't like learning English. It wasn't until I started snowboarding that I realized the reason behind their reluctance. At first, I was afraid of the board, and I hated it. However, I learned to overcome my fears and enjoy the ride by following three simple steps. Firstly, I listened carefully to my coach and wasn't afraid to ask questions. Secondly, I practiced a lot! And thirdly, I wasn't afraid to fall and make mistakes.

Likewise, English may seem daunting, but with the right guidance, practice, and willingness to make mistakes, you can conquer your fear and reach new heights of proficiency. Whether it's just learning something new, communicating with people from other cultures, enjoying a book in English, presenting research at international conferences, or publishing in leading academic journals, the possibilities are endless.

I invite you to contact me through my homepage or visit my office at Hokudai if you're interested in learning English. Let's work together to achieve your goals and enhance your experiences. Welcome and see you soon!


  • F. Dostoyevsky, The Gambler (and many others)
  • M. Bulgakov, The Master & Margarita
  • G. Eliot, Middlemarch
  • F. Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby